Meet SandraD Educator
and Digital Artist
“What is life without whimsy” ~ Dr Sheldon Cooper Big Bang Theory
As a child I loved colouring and painting, I did art at school, I cherished my colouring pencils. When I stepped into the adult world of working, I found myself creating corporate newsletters, preparing presentations, then with a career change I became an Adult Educator, training in various corporate environments and obtaining my Degree in Adult Education.
With a another career change I decided I would pursue my love of interior styling and did several short courses then a Certificate in Interior Styling, I was in my element working with colours, textures and design.
"In 2012, life took an exciting turn as I embarked on my 'mature age' backpacker adventure! It was during my working holiday in the stunning Queenstown, New Zealand, that I stumbled upon my passion for photography. Returning to Australia, I found that photography unlocked a whole new world for me—one filled with creativity and endless possibilities!"
Learning how to work the camera was the tricky part, then as that learning curve increased, I started to see the world around me differently, the colours in the landscape, the sky and clouds, trees, light and shade and so much more. At first, I photographed anything, gradually my eye knew what “to look for” then I started to learn about post processing.
My creative journey began again, as my skills increased in post processing I started to realise I could create an image I had in mind. I started replacing a sky, or “whacking” in an element here and there. It opened up another world for me.
Over time I was finding my style in post processing and what I liked. I use a combination of my own photographs, digital art and textures to create composites/digital art/ai. It is my imagination and vision that help create my images.
Along the way I have been fortunate to win Gold, Silver and Bronze in Photographic Competitions in Landscape and Creative Categories.
Life is always in motion! I unexpectedly found myself as a tour guide, leading international travelers through the breathtaking landscapes of Australia and New Zealand. Over the past 14 years, I’ve been incredibly fortunate to explore so much of both countries, capturing stunning moments through my lens and connecting with countless amazing people. Each experience has been a remarkable adventure!
2020 was the year the world changed and I reinvented myself, this is when I took another path and what a journey it has been. I started teaching Photoshop Online, I have met so many people from all over the world and found the creative self again.
Sometimes life throws you “curve balls” but then again you may end up where you were meant to be, I have found my “creative space”. Being creative is who I am.
With the reinvention I’m now passionate about teaching others online and what I have learned and continue to learn in Photoshop and the Creative environment. I love helping people find their creative self and find enjoyment from creating. I still love a good landscape though.
In this world where sometimes labels are given I would call myself a “Creative, Digital Artist, Educator, Photographer and lover of a good coffee!”
“Love a good cup of coffee, it is part of my morning ritual”