Unlock Creativity with the Learning Hub
“ Learning is the art of turning curiosity into knowledge,
and knowledge into endless possibilities." ~ Unknown
"The Learning Hub” serves as a source of inspiration for elevating your creative journey.
Discover video and blog content by navigating through the categories below or by clicking on the link in the hub. In the tutorials, I feature some of the digital products such as textures, action panels, and brushes available in the SHOP.
Skills for Creating Composite Imagery ~ Blog
Creative freedom is one of the benefits of composite imagery. Combining elements from old photos that will normally not see the light of day, is possible with composite imagery.
Create a long exposure look in the sky using Photoshop ~ Blog
To enhance my landscapes I will replace a sky in my post-production workflow, learn how this technique gives that long exposure look.
Break the creative slump ~ Blog
Do you find the desire and creativeness comes together, then nothing, that feeling goes "missing in action" and you struggle for ideas. Tips to beat that creative slump.
Listening to a song helped me find my inspiration ~ Blog
Learn how listening to a song gave me inspiration to create a series of images.
Creating a Photo Composite - Making Colour Choices ~ Blog
What happens when you are creating a composite image made up of several elements, photographed in different light or time of day or you used a mixed media – photographs and digital art? How do you tie all your elements together to work in harmony and look like they blend?
Making Colour Choices with Photoshop ~ Blog
Photographers have a lot of tools available : compositional rules, lighting knowledge, the exposure triangle, and so on. While it can be an intimidating element to a photographer, knowing and understanding colour — the way painters, designers, and artists do — a photographer can utilise colour to their benefit.
Are you Showing Up as a Creative? ~ Blog
We make and break habits all the time. The goal is to have positive habits to be part of our daily routines. As “creatives” we can have a burning desire to create. Sometimes the fire is burning full, while other times it is cool, just waiting to be fed fuel.
Tips for Creating Composite Images ~ Blog
Firstly, there is the “creative mood” which strikes at any time, and you want to create a composite image OR the “mojo” is missing and “you are not feeling it”. What can you do? I have a few strategies I have learnt that still keeps my mind in the game, I’m still productive and doing the groundwork for when that “creative mood” strikes. It is like “housekeeping duties” for the creative.
Use Fine Art Textures to turn your photos into art ~ Blog
This image and colour palette was inspired by the Old Master Painters, see how I created it using Digital Textures
The “Journey of a Thousand Textures” ~ Blog
I have been asked how do you know what textures to choose, what colour and appearance. The answer is “the journey of a thousand textures”.
How do you know what texture to use? ~ Blog
How do I know what Texture to use on my creative images or photos. Well I am going to share that with you. Guess what? There is no secret. Sorry to disappoint. Not all photos work with a texture either, that is part of the learning curve, what photo and what texture works together.
Is it Photography or Composite Photography?
Would you believe Composite Photographs first started in the 1800’s! Composite photography solved many of the problems that dogged wet plate photography.
What is the difference between a Texture and a Digital Texture? ~ Blog
Digital Textures are a texture that enhances your photo or compliments it, both in texture and colour. It doesn’t dominate. Find out the difference between the two.
Turn Day into Night with Photoshop
Learn how to turn a boring photo into a night image using Photoshop LUTS.
Starting a Photo Textures Library ~ Blog
Using Digital Textures can be fun, artistic and adds something different to your images.
Using Digital Textures to enhance your photographs ~ Blog
Use Photoshop Brushes to add different elements ~ Blog
Award Winning Image the Journey ~ Blog
Entering competitions can be daunting, yet rewarding. Putting your work out there to be judged has it’s benefits and can be disappointing at times. What makes an Award Winning image, there is no magic formula, the one thing I have learnt to ask myself “what is different or unique” about an image I am entering. This is still one of my favourite images and has done well in 3 Major Competitions, however it also has not got a placing in some competitions.
Photographer or Interpreter ~ Blog
Photography is a strange art form in that instead of creating from a blank canvas with your own ideas and materials, you start with reality and take it from there. So how do you approach the art of photography? Do you aim to represent reality or to interpret it?
Starting the Composite Journey ~ Blog
The very first thing you need when creating a composite is a vision of what you want to create so you can think about what elements are needed to create that vision. The second thing is identifying what skills will be required to bring everything together.